#Saturday_ShortStory - 3 {A Crow For All Seasons}


Today's short story comes from one of my favorite writers of all time. I love his short stories and maybe I'll feature them a lot in this edition. This is RUSKIN BOND.

SPOILER LEVEL - LOW (risk free to read)

Name: A Crow For All Seasons
Author: Ruskin Bond
Genre: Fiction, Asian Culture {Indian}
Published in: 1991 by Penguin Book

"From persecutor to protector; from beastliness to saintliness. And sometimes it can be the other way round: you never know with humans!"

The story is written in the first person, in an autobiographical style of a Crow. Sounds fun, right? It indeed is. The simple character of crows, humans and yeah DOGS, of course {how can I forget that} is so much fun and entertaining to read.

The endless fights between the protagonist crow {named Speedy} and a pet dog about food snatching or sometimes whose IQ is better, was my favorite.

Along with entertaining, the story also gives a strong and important message of how we humans are responsible for the rapidly decreasing forest stretch and how these animals find it difficult to adapt to these changes.

We mostly talk about tigers, elephants and lions that they are going to be extinct. But we hardly think about other birds and species like crows. Think about the last time you saw a crow near your house or anywhere. Difficult to remember? That's what we need to change.

Photo by Qurratul Ayin Sadia on Unsplash

What happens when humans and birds like crows come together. It can be disastrous if not handled well. One of the reasons for this is, how certain people like shooting birds just for amusement.

Some of the major issues covered, concerning our environment, are admirable. SATIRE is formed when humor and wit come together and this story has done that very well.

I think it's a novella or a short story? Well, who cares. Just read it. It's fantastic. That's all I've to say.

Getting to know the opinion of crows about other living species around them like human beings and dogs was fantastically written. Also the regular chit chat between two crows was entertainingly weird.

Talking about the writing style it's like this: BEAUTIFUL with a capital B (well maybe all letters capital).

The story is published along with other short stories like Time stops at Shamli and Tiger, Tiger Burning Bright, to name a few. The whole collection is incredible. So, there's a high chance that I'll feature some more short stories from this book. 

All in all, if you are an Indian or live close to mountains, or like reading heart-warming books and haven't read Ruskin Bond yet, guys you are missing out a lot. Also, if you're dealing with a reading slump, Bond will help you get out of it with his short stories or novellas.


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