3 Bookish Podcasts on Spotify for free!!

We all love reading books, but trust me podcasts are no less. As I have a habit of relating every single thing to books, I have related books and podcasts too. 

These bookish podcasts will take you to their fictional world with their outstanding narration and you'll enjoy as much as reading a book. 


So here is my recommendation of 5 amazing bookish podcasts that I love and hope you'll love them too.


1. Dork Diaries: Tales From a Not-So Fabulous Life

Adapted from Rachel Renee Russell's bestselling series, this podcast features Nikki Maxwell. She starts writing her very first diary when she enters a new school in the eighth grade.

It has 15 episodes each one capturing the daily life of Nikki. From becoming enemies with the school's most popular girl, having a crush on the same guy as her enemies, becoming friends with the two incredible girls in her school, to her fights with her younger sister.

It's as if someone is reading out their diary (which sounds crazy). Everything is very well performed by the artists as well as very well written.

It is produced in partnership with Simon and Schuster Audio and narrated by the award-winning actress and singer, Jenni Barber.

Her voice certainly best suits Nikki. Every character's voice is very realistic and suits them well. I also loved the background music a lot, it was just like a cherry on the top.

2. Little Women: A Modern Audio Drama


It is based on the novel by Louisa May Alcott. This podcast introduces us to the four March sisters, Beth, Jo, Amy and Meg, who are trying to send a message to their father who is away due to the Civil War.

It covers the feeling of sisterhood, the love for their family, following one's dreams and how they struggle financially and emotionally, beautifully.

The narration is impressive. Very well written by Shannon Campe

Co-produced by Shannon Campe and Sammi Campbell.

Edited by Bex Carlos

Directed by Julia Rohed- Worthington 

Featuring music by Suri Music

For more details log on to www.littlewomenpodcast.com/

Educational Podcasts

Listening to book summaries is not what I recommend with fiction, but you can definitely do it with non-fiction and self-help books when you don't have enough time to read the book but want to learn the skills or the lesson that the author gives in his book.

educational podcasts

3. 5-minute Business Book Summaries by Book Summary Club

This 23 episodes podcasts cover the summaries of some of the most prominent psychology and self-help books from authors like Robin Sharma, Tim Ferris and more.

All the episodes are really short- 5 minutes or less. You can listen to them on your way to your office. It's a good morning start. Boost your brain and give you some amazing psychological and 'how to do it' lessons.

Episodes include a summary of books like:

📔 Everyday Millionaires by Chris Hogan

📔 The 5 AM Club by Robin Sharma

📔 How to Make People Like You in 90
     Seconds or Less by Nicholas Boothman

📔 The $100 dollar Startup by Chris 

📔 Never Eat Alone by Keith Ferrazzi

For more details log on to www.booksummaryclub.com

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Do you have any of your favorites. Tell me in the comments section below. 

Happy reading and Happy Listening too.


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